Bloom Where You Are Planted

Women Of Purpose, Bloom Where You Are Planted  


MelissaRoshan. Originally from Seattle, Washington she became a ward of the state at an early age. After living in various foster homes, and homeless shelters, she knew that God had a plan for her life, and she vowed to emerge a strong, healthy woman despite her past. Now residing in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, and children, she is one of Columbus, Ohio's top models, and make-up artists. She provides make-up for fashion shows, commercials, celebrities, and private clients. She credits God for all things in her life, and her motto is, "One can never consent to creep, when one feels an impulse to soar". Her next endeavor is to have her memoir published, with a publishing goal of Spring 2011.


Sandra Brogdon. Owner of SAB Concepts, a company built on the desire to come up with creative and innovative products and concepts that will help grow the beauty, health and lifestyle industries. Sandra founded SAB Concepts after years of working for various companies where she gained a vast amount of experience working in different areas. She decided it was time to stop asking "what if" "but rather,"why not". She decided to spread her wings and started SAB Concepts. Her stints include, marketing, public relations, concept development, event planning, and production. Sandra also founded Columbus Fashion Center, a website dedicated to promoting all things fashionable in Columbus, Ohio. Sandra strongly believes in thinking globally while acting locally, always keeping abreast of the ever-changing markets and trends.


Andria Williams is an entertainment and media professional with over 18 years of experience in the Columbus and Dayton market. Ms. Williams has spent time in various industries to include five years at Radio One, Inc, eleven years at Bank One, now known as Chase Bank and also credits Paradise Sound Productions for her entertainment genesis and development. Currently, she is a motivational speaker, communications, and public speaking coach to groups or those who wish one-on-one settings. As a diversified individual she considers herself an upgrade specialist - a strong woman who wants to make your life or business better. Everyday, she utilizes all her skills from Paradise Sound Productions, Chase Bank and Radio One to create a successful day for herself and anyone in the near vicinity. Most meaningful quote: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."